Criminal Defense FAQs

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Criminal Defense Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some general answers to commonly asked questions, though since each case is different, we cannot categorize these as legal advice, and we therefore highly recommend consulting an attorney for your specific situation.

  • I got a ticket and I know I'm guilty. Should I just pay the fine?

    No. Simply paying the ticket results in a conviction on your driving record. Too many moving violations and your car insurance will go through the roof. Furthermore, Texas uses a point system and if you receive too many points, DPS will suspend your license, and/or you may also have to pay surcharges to keep your driving privileges. Call us, we can help.

  • There is a warrant for my arrest. Can you help me?

    Absolutely. In fact, in some cases, we can write bonds to have your warrants lifted. We also will remind you of upcoming court dates to reduce the risk of getting a warrant for your arrest again.

  • What should I do if I'm arrested?

    If you are arrested, it is your decision to answer the police questions or remain silent. Remember, you have the right to remain silent since anything you say will probably be used against you in trial. More importantly, you have the right to consult an attorney before you sing any documents. If you do not have an attorney at the time of your arrest, ask to be given one immediately. 

  • What rights do I have if I am questioned by the police?

    You have several rights, known as Miranda Rights, and the officer present must inform you of your rights when they arrest you. These rights include the right to remain silent. This means if you choose to speak, anything you say can and probably will be used against you in court. Should you decide to answer questions you may stop at any time and al questioning will cease. You also have a right to consult with your attorney before answering any questions or to have your attorney present if you decide to answer any questions. Of course if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you before any further questions may be asked.

  • Can the police legally search my house without a warrant?

    Yes, to a degree. There are a few exceptions that will allow them to search without a warrant. First, the owner of the property may consent to a search of the home without a warrant. Secondly, if the police are lawfully present at your home for another reason and see evidence of another crime in plain view, they are able to seize the visible evidence. Also, if you are arrested inside of your home, the police have the right to search you and the nearby vicinity for any weapons or evidence of your crime. And finally, if the police believe that your actions are endangering the public or could lead to the immediate distruction of evidence, they are allowed to search your home. 

  • What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

    A felony charge is a far more serious charge than a misdemeanor charge. A misdemeanor charge is punishable by jail up to one year and severe fines. Misdemeanors, although less serious than felony charges, will still be placed on your criminal record. A felony charge usually results in a fail term for more than one yar and has much higher fines than that of a misdemeanor. 

  • My child is out of control and in trouble with the law. Can you help us?

    Probably, yes. When there is little or no doubt that your child what he is accused of, it can be a positive thing that your child was caught use it as an opportunity for us, the attorney,  impress upon your child that certain behavior is destructive. We are sensitive to these unpleasant situations. Let us help you guide your child to a safer and more responsible future.

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